Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some Assembly Required

This weekend was big for the display.  After months of working on projects and preparing our big assembly is coming.  
Saturday involved moving our new pirate ship onto our neighbors front lawn.  After prepping the ship on the driveway we were able to roll it out then drop the ship into place.

 Rolling in progress

The ship is in place.   The note that the sails aren't in position, the ship windows haven't been placed yet, and the cannons and other deck equipment aren't in place.

Today (Sunday) involved the setting up of the castle wall.  We've done this a few times so sorry, no new pictures.  Now that the castle is in place we will be continuing setup of the display.


Our full display will be setup from Wednesday October 24th to Halloween night.  While many features of the display will be up during the day, it is best to come in the evening (before 11 PM) and enjoy the music, sound effects, and all the little things that make our new expanded display even better. 

Once again we are going to be collecting money for the Canadian Red Cross anti-bully  program.  Please consider making a donation to this great program when you come and visit us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome Halloween display! We appreciate your support of the Canadian Red Cross bullying prevention program.

- Janice B, from Canadian Red Cross